Thursday, September 25, 2008

2008 Westchester Triathlon

Sunday, September 21, 2008

My goal: Make the top 1/3 in my age group and qualify to go to the USAT Age Group Nationals.

I opted to skip my NYC 16 miler the day before and try to achieve my goal..

It was cold... Waiting really sucked. I was in the 6th wave. The siren sounded, and the swim began. Oh boy, that water felt good. So good, that I didn't want it to end. I was sighting well, and swimming straight. A real pleasure.

T1 was OK. The wetsuit came off relatively easily, and no one messed up my transition area. It was cold, so I had to take time to put on socks.

Out on the bike, I felt strong. The hills were tough, but my legs kept putting out power. However the roads were really bumpy, and it made it kind of hairy going fast down hills (not to mention that I'm not 100% OK with that yet after my accident). Claire's Climb wasn't bad, and I passed a few people I knew. However, at the top, with my hands and forearms so cold, I hit a bump and my left hand came off the bar. It took every ounce of strength from my right arm to keep me from falling. Damn, that was scary.

Coming into T2, my transition spot was so close to the bike dismount, I opted to to get out of my shoes on the bike and run to T2 with my cleats on. I don't think it made much of a difference either way. T2 was uneventful (which means it was pretty good).

The run is new this year. It goes around Playland. Nice route. I tried hard to focus on turnover, and managed to do a pretty respectable run (for me!).

So, what's the result? 160/865, and 23/75 in my age group. Do the math... Look out Portland - hear I come!!! Wahoo!!!
Results Here


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